The training was aimed to ensure that camp-based refugee staff acquire knowledge and skills required in case management practice for child protection which concern a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, coordination, case assistance during emergencies. The trainees were trained about social work, case management which included intake, risk and needs assessment, investigation, child and family assessment, service planning, implementation, monitoring and case closure.
The training was organized in Ban Mae La Ma Luang Temporary Shelter on February 14, and in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter on February 15, 2022. There were 18 COERR camp-based refugee staff of 11 females and 7 males participated in the training in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter; and 18 participants of 10 females and 8males in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter.
Training in Ban Mae La Ma Luang Temporary Shelter

Training in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter
